Saturday, April 10, 2010


Sometimes I wonder if some people would just feel guilty (or not) , when they only try to contact me, when they would only have problems - big problems.
Oh yeah, what about all those times when you've sworn to be there for each other.
I bet you don't remember that anymore. Whatever !
I don't care, really. It's just annoying when I know that you're doing that.
And you don't even realize it, or try to do something about it?

Well I'm not saying I'm perfect, but at least I tried.
Did you try? NOPE.


  1. Alamak...
    yer, aku taw aku bkn seorang kwn yg baik.
    aku hanya ingt hg bla susah ja. sorie weyh.

  2. . Loh aku bukannya cakap pasai hang puun, nak pi berasa tu pasai paa.

  3. PERASAN! bila makan cili terasa pedasnyaaa kankankan?
