Saturday, July 3, 2010


It's July, already.
I'm studying - trying at least.
I couldn't get this thing into my head. I mean I want to study, but it just doesn't wanna go in.

Well worse can happen.
I'm sleepy now, kinda.
Wonder why? Slept for almost 9 hours but it's just not enough.
I need to study, mid-terms are coming up this Tuesday.

Owh, btw, I'm so freaking out, cause my birthday's coming - soon!
WTF, why am I freaking out?
Cause I think my friends are planning out something, that'll surely be bad. OMG.
I just hope there's no egg and flour involve though, ergh the thought just made me more and more nervous.

Ergh I'm turning 19 soon. So soon right?
Wait, I feel like I'm just 17, why is it my age's 19? I don't want to be 19, I want to be 17. :(

Somehow, lately I think of father alot. I miss him. Wonder why.
Maybe I just do. The thought made me feel as if I'm living in this fantasy world, denying all the shit and crap that's going on with my life, avoiding reality, and running away from it.
Yeah, that's how I feel now. I just can't get out of myself. My crappy self.

I feel bad, I feel stupid.
I'm feeling sorry for ibu. I'm sorry for her, for having me.
I need to change. I have to change. It's time laaah.
I love you, and I miss you.
Guess this world wont last that long eyh, but surely, my love will.

Hello July.

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