Today, a quite 'interesting' incident happened.
Well I was cheerfully humming and driving while chewing a gum after I sent my mom off at the airport.
Then I came home, played the piano. still chewing.
Watch Tv. still chewing.
Went on the internet ; Fb, Yahoo, Onemanga. spat out the gum and had a new one.
Then I was sleepy.
went straight to bed, just to relax my head.
when I realise, I was on my bed, 2hrs later. Just woke up.
And the gum was gone!
I forgot wether I spat it out, or I accidentally swallowed it when I fell asleep
I hope I'm not in BIG SHIT.
Thinking about it, my stomach hurts, maybe because there's gum stuck somewhere
at my intestinal wall.
oh SHIT!
:D:D are you serious!!?? Sayang have you never ever swallowed a chewing gum before? If you swallow a lot of them, yes thats not good, but one sole gum wont change a freaking thing! Either your stomache hurts of something else or you're just imaginateing it!
ReplyDeleteOh and btw, GOOD JOB on playing the piano! ;)
:-* love you