Thursday, November 19, 2009


Losing the ones you love will make you a stronger person. Just know that death is a reminder for the living ones, that soon, one day, we will die too. Death ends a life, but not a relationship. Dont stop your life when you lose someone, but keep living, because the person has already found his peace, so feel happy for him, because maybe if he's still living in this world, he was suffering, and suffocating, so let it be that now is the time for him to rest and sleep. Cry for them, yes we can grief when we lose a person we love, but instead of putting a stop to your life by being sad and mourne all the time, where it doesn't and won't bring you anywhere, live your life to the fullest, treat people with more respect, and by keeping the person in your mind, heart and prayers, that will be more than enough as they will forever be remembered, and the memories will still live on.

Remember, that everything happens for a reason, and a cause. Look at things by many points of view. And look at things, at a bigger picture. Try to find the positive in everyting. Believe in God lah. He's always there for you.

I'm just so forever grateful that my father passed away so peacefully, may he has found the peace he had been waiting for, and may Allah bless his wonderful soul. Yesterday was a very sad day for all of his family and friends. His memory will still live on with us, as a father, a brother, a friend, an uncle, and a great man we all know him.

I am sad, but I'm also glad, that he has now gone back to where he came from. And I think he's a very lucky guy, to have children that took good care of him when he was not in his good shape, love him so very much despite everything, and even look up to him as an idol.

You will always be in my prayers, may Allah bless your soul. And may you have found the peace, away from this fake, disruptive and sad sad world. All this time,you've done everything you can to make our lives better, so now, go rest, for we will take care of ourselves, from what we've learnt from you and your experiences in life.

I love you , I always do, and I hope you know that. Thank you for everything, bapak.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a wonderful, wonderful statement! You know why? Because of many different points, some i can mention: it comes from your very heart, it is very very respectful towards your father, it is a way of seeing the situation how everybody should see it like, and most of all it is full of life, love and Positivity!
    I love you sayang, may God bless your father.

  3. be strong and selalu doakan ke atas arwah.semoga roh bersama dengan golongan orang yang beriman.amin. [ncky]
