Wednesday, February 17, 2010

17 Feb '10

It actually rained this morning, and the weather was very nice, it was cloudy and cool and breezy. Till the sun suddenly decided to come out to shine brightly and warmly this afternoon! And well guessed, the day just became hot and sweaty as the usual.

Oh, I went out with friends. We did what we do best, fooling around in town. Like the usual, as we would complain about how warm the day is, or how bright and shining the sun is, or how I would end up not doing anything for 7 months in Jitra.

Yeah yeah I gotcha. I know, it's unbelievable, and unbearable. But you would just get use to it. You know?

I am still on search for colleges, yes again. I found some that interests me. And well now I would just apply to many colleges at once, and when some college accepts me, I would decide. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. :)

Well I'm actually in the middle of baking a cake.
Gotta go see what's baking!


  1. Uhh cake, yummy.
    And sayang, i have to congratulate on your idea of applying at couple at once, like i haven't told you before :P

  2. erhh
    hard to explain. somethng cool in Malay

  3. Like. erh. words said from the heart.
