Monday, February 22, 2010

Cleaning Day of the Week

Today is the 'Cleaning Day of the week' for me. So I'm gonna be busy cleaning up my messy room again, although it's not as messy as before!

Well I think after that I will go get some ice-cream. Been hungry for it for days now. But I always forgot I do?! Weird. Haha.

My friends went back to their designated colleges now. And I will too soon. Can't wait for that. (The problem is just that I don't know which college yet! :D)

Now I'm goin to take my lovely shower, and listen to Japanese songs while getting ready to go pick up my sis from school later. Toodles.

Ps. I think I'm gaining a lil bit of weight, but that's great! :D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Seat belt incident

As usual, professional drivers don't need to wear seat belts since they are a professional. Well anyway, I was driving, and was at a stop at a traffic light when suddenly appeared a traffic police on his big motorbike and he stopped just close enough at my left rear window to see me clearly that I wasn't using the seat belt,well I'm not one of those professional drivers, I still have the 'P' sign on my license. I just hate it cause it's uncomfortable. But I was pretty fast enough to buckle up my seat belt until the police guy looked around and saw me, and smiled. I laughed so hard and waved at him. Ofcourse he gave me a weird look. Then I look around and I saw the other driver on the left lane beside me was also buckling up his seatbelt. Haha. Tau pun takut!

Maybe I should TRY and buckle up my seatbelt and try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling I would have. Insyaallahh.....

Friday, February 19, 2010

18 Feb '10

Semalam sembang berejam dengan Sue. Minah tu kalau dah cakap takleh berenti. Ariff pulak pi tidog rumah mama. Kesian aku kena tinggai dgn Sue sorang2. Sembang smp pukui 3 kot semalam, itupun jenuh aku kena bangun pi tutup lampu, tu pun dia dok sambung menyembang lagi. Hadoi.Today bangun, dah tghhari buta. Taktau nak buat apa. Sedag2 time dok mandi, dah pukui 5pm. Gilalahh! Cam cepat gila kot?!

I can't believe this! Yeah rite.

Today cam agak luar biasa. Siang moody, malam happy. Gila dah kot aku nih?

Apapun, aku dok still pening pasai nak apply college. Pening pening pening.

Last2, tgok cerita hindustan jugak. haha. Macam biasa ja lah cerita hindustan, plot dia serupa ja walaupun mai pi lah kot mana bnyk pon gengster or org jahat dlm cerita tu. Kesian ngoh. Cam dah takdak idea lain dah. Tapi, cerita baru ShahRukhKhan berlakon, 'My name is Khan' memang cambest, althou tak keluag lagi, cam taksabag ja nak tunggu hero pujaan tuh. Mesti best punya lahh.

Baru tersedag, dah lama aku tak 'spray' bilik. Kes nyamuk terbang freestyle depan muka aku, celaka sungguh. Geram aku. Kadang2 bila dah siang, lupa nak spray. Bila dah mai time nak tidog baru lah nak teringat, in the end, Malas jugak. Nampak gaya besok kena berperang dengan 'vampire2' kecik yang dok hisap darah aku malam2. Sampai gemuk kot depa! Besag cam nyamuk paperboard kat Aneka tu~ wah!

Malam nih shift Ariff pulak tidog dengan aku. Habislah dia besok bangun penuh ngn lovebite vampire2 kecik nih. :)

Goodluck arip!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

17 Feb '10

It actually rained this morning, and the weather was very nice, it was cloudy and cool and breezy. Till the sun suddenly decided to come out to shine brightly and warmly this afternoon! And well guessed, the day just became hot and sweaty as the usual.

Oh, I went out with friends. We did what we do best, fooling around in town. Like the usual, as we would complain about how warm the day is, or how bright and shining the sun is, or how I would end up not doing anything for 7 months in Jitra.

Yeah yeah I gotcha. I know, it's unbelievable, and unbearable. But you would just get use to it. You know?

I am still on search for colleges, yes again. I found some that interests me. And well now I would just apply to many colleges at once, and when some college accepts me, I would decide. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. :)

Well I'm actually in the middle of baking a cake.
Gotta go see what's baking!

College search, Again.

Now I am actually still on my search for colleges!
OWH! Seriously some private colleges offer courses with unreasonable prices!
Now where am I gonna go?!
I don't have time, the latest is in March! And I'm not even prepared to go for study!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Apa kejadah lah.

Today is just so full of different emotions!
I just can't take it, it's so overwhelming. I feel like laughing and at the same time, crying too?
Sad? Happy? I don't know how to differentiate.
Haha. Now I'm laughing. And I'm sad too.
I just need my sleep now. Last night was terrible. Terbangun berkali-kali.
Just for no reason. I was just so tired, that I kept waking up. shitlah.
Dahlah letih. Hari ini pulak macam2 jadi. haish. haish. haishhhh.

Ps. I am doing well in my savings. Yay!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Unfortunately, I didn't get myself into Nottingham. I'm sad. I was looking forward to it, very much. I don't know. I'm dissapointed. I think I should go check for other colleges then. What to do, maybe it's fate, well, I did my best. So let's go search for other colleges then! Goodluck!

ps. Im listening to 'Arigato-Home Made Kazoku'. Makes me feel better, listening to it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Not doing so well in managing my temper it seems.
I was and still am, feeling crappy.
Feels fake everytime I try to smile, in order to make myself feel better.
Just doesn't work today. Oh God?
The weather seem hotter than usual, I feel blah, I'm sweaty, I'm warm.
I can't think, I breathe heavily. My face feels tight and my skin is dry.
Worse, I can't calm down. I don't even know what's wrong.
Now, I just feel irritated cause of my useless complaints.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wht the ****** rashes ?

I am actually super irritated by this freaking itching rashes on my face that's killing me now!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fam ily

Today something bad happened to me, anyway, it's regarding my money. Thinking about it, made me sad, because I just lost an amount of money! I mean it's not much, but it's alot too, but still, it's my savings money..............

As my heart is crushed like a million pieces of abstract crushed mirror, something came up to me. It reminded me of when once upon a time, my father gave me our monthly salary money, and at that time I was in middle school I guess, so anyway, it was alot of money, so I was thrilled! I was keeping it safe in my purse, and went out with some friends. And when i came home, I lost the purse, with the money in it! I was so crushed, I was scared to death! In my mind, was my little imagination of my dad being the judge and sentenced me, the accused to death. I was pale. I shrunk when I heard my mom said his name that night. So I told my mom, hoping that she would get angry, but she didn't. Which made me feel more of the guilt I felt before. So she asked me to tell my father the truth. Tell him what happen. I don't want too! I'm scared!

The next day, I was too scared that I can feel his aura as his coming to visit us. Oh my god, what am I to do.?! So there he was, sitting on the floor at the front door, taking off his shoes. Then he said, so, what do you want to tell me?! As if he knows!! I was like, erhh. Bapak, I'm sorry, I lost the money you gave me, please don't be mad. And so I was dissapointed by my dreams and imaginations. My father didn't even grin at me, he was cool( that was surprising, since he's very ferocious ) and said, okay, be careful next time. I trust you okay? and handed over a cheque for us.

Now, thinking of that time, I don't remember how I felt. But I think I was super relieved. Ofcourse! I mean maybe my memory only wanted to remind me of that, reminded me of the sacrifice, Forgive, Let go, and solving the problem. Instead of making it a big issue.

Family, maybe it's sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. You work hard, to earn something to support your family, to make it better. Make it happier. You give everything you have, and share things you love the most. Sometimes, you would do things you don't even want to when it comes to them.

So much sacrifice, so much giving, so much responsibility.
So much? How can you cope with that?
so how can you live your dreams then?
Do you sacrifice them too? Why?
Why can't you just live how you want it to be?
Why is it that you have to be responsible for everything?
Why is it that you are the one who always do things?
Why isn't this about me? Why? Why? Why?
If I were to write down all the question, it'll take me almost my lifetime.
I don't have that much of a time!

But why you ask me?

Because we're family, and families stay together, be there for each other, and accept each other no matter how annoying or how stupid or how selfish you can be. No matter what happens, you KNOW that they would always be there for you. Just waiting to be called.

What more do you want, if you already have this?

Friday, February 5, 2010


So the other night I was watching this Korean show about how different things are in different countries. Then they have this girl who's now in Japan and is at the subway, entering the train to somewhere, anyway, story cut short, she had to put her phone into vibrate mode, so that it won't disturb people in the train. Anyway, there's this other girl in Korea, also in the train goin somewhere,and at the same time, she called the 'traingirl' in Japan. The girl in Korea was speaking normally, whereas the girl in Japan was whispering and said that she can't talk because she's in the train now. Okay so that was in Japan.

Now, there's this foreign guy in Singapore, and he's walking on the street, listening to his Mp3 and chewing a gum. Then suddenly there's one local lady approached and asked him to spit out his gum, because in Singapore, chewing gums are banned, and you can be fined from $500 to $1000 USD!

Whoa!? And why aren't they laws or 'bans' against cigarettes or alcohols? Just a question.
Don't want to get insensitive here.

So anyway, each country has their own 'uniqueness' and differences that we all should at least try to respect it eventhough we don't think its appropriate or sane. Well if you don't like the country, then just go have vacation somewhere else. As easy as that.

But sometimes, some facts are just exaggerations of things. Just to spice things up. Yeah right. Like for the fact that all muslim countries are dangerous and full of terrorism and everything. Okay? First, the Middle East doesn't represent all muslim countries. Yes there're alot of muslims over there, but what can we say about that, Islam came from there. So okay, if you wan't to learn about a country and it's contents, go there, experience it. Then get the facts to yourself.

I find that it's always fun and interesting to learn about another culture and lifestyles. Eventhough sometimes I know I can't stand living with it, I mean, there's alot of other people that lived with it,and for a looooonggg time that is. So I think, as a human, and a 'civilized' one, I should understand the differences. And well, I can always go back to where I like if I dislike some places!

Aren't things just easy that way?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What is up?

Stupid people, furiates me. QUICKLY.
Because of their foolishness, no let say, Stupidity, others have to pay the consenquences.
When I say others, of course in the world it meant, ME.
Well anyway, it's just so stupid how some bankers just don't know how to explain about how I could work my debit card, and made me do several trips, lets say 5-6 times to the bank to settle the damn card just to know that I didn't know that I was suppose to transfer some shitmoney into the account. Or some cashiers are just cashiers. And some drivers are so bloody ignorant and selfish on the road, and drive like a ________. Well you fill up the blank.

Ahh?! And the most irritating part is, that Some people are just too clever that they can be pretty stupid. And well, I mean it when I say that. You bloody stupid shithead. Damn you go with all your B*shit. Don't you realise that I already know that you're bullshitting me? Or am I too good as an actress? Maybe I am. Who knows, maybe I should go audition for some drama next time my uncle's shooting another movie. Pffttss.

What's up with this world!?