Thursday, October 29, 2009
After that I would go downstairs, without brushing my teeth or even wash my face, to go find out that Joy is having her class maybe, or running some errands, and Bob is gone for work, or maybe to the gyms in the weekends. Then I would go back up, shower, checkout my hair maybe, then I would dress up, try up many2 outfits together, or even put up makeup, and remove it again so tht i could do another one.
Maybe on some other day I would have a date with Kenta at Fashion Square,go see a movie, or go to Abercombie for like many2 times per trip, or maybe I would go to Mareike's place, then we would be in the pool, or play with Tank and Gracie, or just stay in her room, talk bout her boyfriend or some weird exchange student we dont really like. Well that was fun!
Then i would come home, maybe Joy would pick me up at Fashion Square, or Mareike's place, then I would tell her what I did, bout how Kenta or Mareike would go to Abercombie 4-5 times a trip, and I would follow them(every single time I went to Fashion Square). I loved it. I mean then maybe I would show her my new dress I bought at Charlotte Russe, or a new skarf I got at Forever21. Then she would end up reminding me of how much stuff I have at home. And I would just shut up and gave her the biggest smile ever!
As we reached home, I would walk out the car, saying thank you for taking me(well I sorta do that all the time) and walk through the garage door, seeing Bob in his couch watching some show on tv he has watch for many2 times, and I would start out saying "Hola! Como estas?" and end up laughing because I dont really know Spanish!
Then I would go up, put up my new things on the bed, or on the chair, then I would shower, or have dinner, maybe enchulatas, or tacos, or even Wendy's! and after that I would start talking on the phone with my sweetheart, then we would talk about how we should we should meet up, walking to each other, or take the bus, then we would talk about random stuff, just random stuff that I dont really remember but yeah, come to think about it, we talk alot! And sometimes I just dont know wht we would talk about!
Then the conversation would turn out hours, and hours, and I would end up saying goodnight, or how late it was and how tired we are. Seriously we do that all the time! But I never got tired of it. Maybe because I just love talking with him eventhough sometimes we just talk shit.
Now, back home in Jitra, I would wake up, remembering about all those small lil stuff that I treasure so much. Missing the people that has changed me in a way, and still loving them, as much as my heart could be filled.
Well then and now, I know how precious these people and this memories are for me. And I hope that I would see them again, have Wendy's together, or go to Abercombie for a couple of times a day, walking together, side by side while holding hands, or even sat on the roof, gazing at the stars, or even dance together to some weird country song, I mean I would give everything I have now, just to do that one more time. And I would not be bored, if I ever have to do it again and again.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Day with Ankush
And so after the tunnel,they were some more aquariums,and that was it, on the way out, there was this huge shark's teeth? (i guess-whatelse should it be) and yes ofcourse we took a picture with it(check it up on facebook!)
We went out of the marine park, and went to starbucks! well yes I did say that the first thing I wanted to do is to take him to Starbucks, but I still did, didn't I? Hahah. well anyway, we were talking and reminiscing our memories back in Phx, and well made me miss, everyone-the Babers,pancake,Mareike,Kenta. Hurh. (sadmode) but it's ok, I know I'm goin to see them, now that I've seen Ankush, ofcourse there's a possibility that I'm goin to see the others as well!
So his mother called and well, he had to leave because they were leaving to central market, and I was tired to go with them(wonder why I got tired so easily?)-since they invite me with them, but yes I stayed in Suria and well, had my M.A.C makeup(for free!) and well, I would like to say that I would prefer my own makeup style :). It was ok, but, no, I love my own artworks! haha. a lil bit narcist here and there,so what?
well this was the result of the M.A.C makeup the makeup artist sortof chose for me
T'was not bad, but ok-lah. haha. So I got home, wash it off and felt so fresh that I fell asleep right after putting my head on the pillow. Amazing!
Friday, October 23, 2009
College search
And so I was impressed by the beautiful scenery and then I thought,"wow, this'll be a very nice place after all" and so we went to the administration office where this Eric guy is waiting for us,(appoinment was suppose to be at 3,but due to traffic jam we were 15minutes late). But luckily the guy was a total sport and that was great. And so, he's promoting me for this another course at Nottingham, which is the Foundation of Arts(well I wanted to take foundation in business) but anyhow, my mind was made up but still I wanted to know a lil but more about the Art's Foundation so they called this one guy whose somebody in the Arts' society and he came,an Englishman name Mike. Nice guy he is, but smells of cigarretes, I cant stand cigarette smell. But he was very nice and very helpful in sort of making me interested in the arts stream(which sort of didnt succeed).
So after the brief I went out to tour myself around Nottingham. Well, not a huge place, but it was perfect. It's beautiful and I just fell in love with the place.Namun keputusan harus dibuat a.s.a.p. :P
Im still thinking on where and what to do. Hope I can figure it out a.s.a.p!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Rakan2 zaman jahil
Anyways,pastu aku decide nk pi jumpa pak dia lahh, kes aritu pak dia msk hosp aku tk pi jenguk pun(rasa bersalah lah konon). Then end up kt umah dia. Sembang2 sambil tgok tv pasai budaya Indu kami balik lah. Singgah umah tok satt, mai balik umah sat, dok dapug, makan, relax. Then dok sembang pasai lagi satu membe,call dia, gelak2 kes lani dia speakin KL. Meluat. haha. Then around 12lebih2 skit, dia balik. Goodbye :)
Hai sukanya aku bila jumpa member lama balik. Rindu time2 skool dulu2. Lebih2 kat bbd. Tp bila ingt balik, lebih bnyk memories di Smj,hahah. whatever. Tak sabag nk tgu depa cuti, then jumpa membe2 yg lain pulak. Rinduuuu!
Note to self ; make friends not enemies. :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My friend from India
Well, I was thinking, since we're from the same rountable, I should take him to Starbucks first(because our rountable really love starbucks,and our meet up was always at starbucks!), and he was having Petronas Twin Tower in his mind since I met him in January! well ofcourse I will take him there. Then maybe to Aquaria, since dekat je pun. Was planning to ajak him makan durian, tapi kann, nak beli durian di KL tu kat mana huh?? Takkan lah nak bawak durian dari sini masuk dalam aeroplane kot besok! Gila kott!
Takpalah, I'll think of something else lah. Herm. thinkthinkthink!
I think I can come up with something in these couple of days. Heeeee :)
My rountable people, from left ; Mareike(Germany), Kenta(Japan), and Ankush(India). Miss them mucho!
Kimono vs. Hanbok
Clothes I would really loooovvve to wear.

Hanbok (north korea) or Joseon-ot(south korea) is the Korean traditional dress. Traditional women's hanbok consists of jeogori (blouse shirt or jacket), and chima (wrap-around skirt which is usually worn full)
For further information about kimono or hanbok please google it yourself.
So, I was browsing through google images and found these two beautiful garments and well, I was thinking of in which I would look better, Kimono? Hanbok? kimono? Hanbok? Kimono? hanbok? hanbok? kimono? Argh??? Well anyways.
I think that whatever it is, both kimono and hanbok are very elegant and very pretty too, thus I want to try it both.
Note to self : must put 'wear kimono/hanbok' in 'to do list' when have the chance to visit Japan/Korea
hair fall
I personally dont really believe in miracle hairfall shampoos so I dont think I would take that as an alternative. If so, maybe a hair tonic? or a hairspray is fine, but I'm done with shampoos!
Note to self ; no more shampoo testing.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tapi takpe,at least I did see him before he leaves.
The last thing we talked about today (as if together), is about haircuts he had in Egypt. How they would shampoo your hair and then cut it, then if you have rambut2 halus they would use the threading and all, and he's demonstrating how threading works (as if aku taktau apemende). And in the end they would put alot of gell on your hair and make it so hard you can kill people with your mohawk. And it all will cost you 5genih (i dont know how much it is in RM but i think that's effing cheap!) and plus with small lil shampoos they will give you to wear at home. COOL!
I would love to go to Egypt, I mean I would love to go anywhere in the world!
Thinking of this, I mean of him leaving, (imagining him saying farewell, few hugs and of he goes in to the 'pancaran matahari' bus, goes to his seat and searching for me to wave his hand goodbye), makes me realise that time passes so fast, and you wont even notice it, I mean seriously this happens to me for alot of times already ( realising that time is passing effing fast). Seriously?
I would like to say, that after this I would very much appreciate time, and appreciate people even more, cause in the end, all the time in the world wont be enough for you.